Metal Rescue™

Metal Rescue™ Rust Remover Bath is your clean, safe and easy solution to removing rust from iron and steel. When we say “safe on everything except rust” we mean it! Metal Rescue™ Rust Remover Bath will take rust off the most heavily corroded metal parts, yet is safe enough that you can put your bare hands into it. Just soak, check and rinse/dry. It’s that simple!


Metal Rescue™ can be used as a temporary rust inhibitor by dipping or spraying clean liquid onto the metal. For longer protection, use ARMOR corrosion inhibiting products


For best results, ARMOR recommends removing as much dirt, oil and other contaminants from the metal surface as possible, prior to de-rusting


Surfaces to be de-rusted must be fully immersed. Metal Rescue™ must maintain contact in wet form with the rusted surface to be effective. As product is used, it will become darker in color. Continue to reuse product until there is a performance drop off. Note: this is a ready to use product, NOT a concentrate.


Check periodically. Soak time ranges: Light rust will require 5-30 minutes, moderate rust up to 4 hours and heavily rusted items may take up to 24 hours. Do not leave part in solution after rust is no longer present or metal might become dark.


Once the rust has been removed, the surface should be rinsed with water or clean Metal Rescue™ and dried thoroughly. Your metal parts can be restored in 5 minutes to 24 hours, depending upon the amount of rust, type of steel and temperature of the solution. NOTE: for industrial customers, this de-rusting time can be accelerated dramatically to improve process times by increasing the heat and applying agitation. Contact an ARMOR representative to discuss your particular situation. Metal Rescue™ has completed de-rusting of metal parts for industrial customers in as little as 60 seconds when conditions are altered.


Aluminum, brass, copper, chrome, gold, lead, nickel, silver, titanium, tungsten, solder or solder points. Metal Rescue™ will clean oils and some contaminants, and will not damage any of these metals. It is designed mainly to remove iron oxide (rust). In addition, Metal Rescue™ will remove some oxides from copper and certain aluminums.


The black is from iron oxide II, often referred to as black oxide. Black oxide is a corrosion inhibiting film that is a more stable state of oxidized iron. It is not detrimental to the metal surface and is only cosmetic in nature. It can form on certain steel alloys and high carbon steel when left in Metal Rescue™ for longer periods of time. For these metals, reducing the time that the part is immersed in the liquid will minimize the black film. Much of the black oxide film can be removed simply by rinsing with mild detergent or wiping with a cloth. Also, it is best to remove it immediately after removing parts from Metal Rescue and before the parts dry. The black oxide becomes more difficult to remove for parts that have soaked for long periods of time. It is best to soak rusted parts only as long as needed to remove the rust.


When exhausted, the Metal Rescue™ bath will turn completely black and rust removal rates significantly decrease. The specific gravity will change from 1.02 to 1.06. There are many ways to measure specific gravity. One way is to use a hydrometer. They are easily available and cost between $5 and $15. They are commonly used for home brewing and wine making, and also used by people who keep salt water aquariums. Additionally, most manufacturing facilities with labs or chemicals have several ways to measure the specific gravity of a liquid.
